Saturday, March 26, 2016

The best laid plans

Hello, I realize its been a few days (read a week) since I started in this journey. I’ve got to say just because you decide that you are going to start to look at life in a more positive fashion does not mean that life suddenly becomes all lollipops and raindrops (well maybe raindrops it is the PNW after all). This week was very hard emotionally and physically. Thanks to being a girl :P (Guys just realize that you’re blessed ok) and that fact paired with the full moon after the season change made me into a witchy B (If You don’t believe me ask my family) 


Despite issues a few good things did happen this week

·         I Made it to work on time every day this week despite being very depressed

·         I let people know I was depressed instead of trying to hide it

·         I am still determined to think positively maybe even more so

·         Oh and BONUS I averaged 3000 steps a day when I normally only get 2500 YAY


Baby steps! Im celebrating the victories one step at a time!

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Happy news story of the day 3/20

It’s World Happiness Day: Why Smiling Is Good for You

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Spring into Action

Hello and welcome to positive Parapluie. This blog will serve as a place where I try an experiment on will changing the way that I talk to myself change the way I live my life. I decided to start this journey on the first day of spring as it is traditionally a time of new birth and new awakenings :).

For the first thirty days of spring I will engage in 3 habits:
1) Find Something to be thankful for each day
2)Find a positive quote for each day
3)Do something physically for myself for 30 minutes: a walk, a dance, bubble bath, something 

So to see if these things are successful let me say where I'm starting out from.
I'm 36 years old. I work in a call center for tech support. Been there 12.5 years wanting to go back to school don't know for what yet. I go to weight watchers every week. I started at 340.4 now 304.4. I'm a diagnosed person with bipolar and anxiety issues with mild agoraphobia who lives in the greater Seattle area. So yes very much affected by rain.
So every post I'll have a gauge of where I'm at 1-being desolate 10-being very manic.(currently a 4-sad but hopeful)

I hope you enjoy this journey with me and I hope that you comment :)