Saturday, March 19, 2016

Spring into Action

Hello and welcome to positive Parapluie. This blog will serve as a place where I try an experiment on will changing the way that I talk to myself change the way I live my life. I decided to start this journey on the first day of spring as it is traditionally a time of new birth and new awakenings :).

For the first thirty days of spring I will engage in 3 habits:
1) Find Something to be thankful for each day
2)Find a positive quote for each day
3)Do something physically for myself for 30 minutes: a walk, a dance, bubble bath, something 

So to see if these things are successful let me say where I'm starting out from.
I'm 36 years old. I work in a call center for tech support. Been there 12.5 years wanting to go back to school don't know for what yet. I go to weight watchers every week. I started at 340.4 now 304.4. I'm a diagnosed person with bipolar and anxiety issues with mild agoraphobia who lives in the greater Seattle area. So yes very much affected by rain.
So every post I'll have a gauge of where I'm at 1-being desolate 10-being very manic.(currently a 4-sad but hopeful)

I hope you enjoy this journey with me and I hope that you comment :)


  1. This is a great idea! Thank you for sharing your experiment. I think anyone could benefit from adding a little more positivity into their own lives too.

  2. Great idea! Just from the start i think you areamazing. Loving and one of the most kind hearted people i know. I can't wait to see how this goes.But no matter how you feel at the end know you are loved and special. Just the way God created you. I need major work too. So proud of you for stepping out and trying to feel better. Love you!

